Is content still king in the media industry?

There have been endless blogs entitled “Content is King”, it was a hot topic for quite some time, and a bit of a golden rule or a cornerstone of success in the publishing industry. However, with the rise of AI, algorithms, user preferences and ever-changing technology, we can’t help but wonder; is content still the … Read more

From Chaos to Clarity: Boosting Your Reporting Efficiency with CRM-Enhanced Reports

CRM Enhanced Reporting

Are you spending hours on manual reporting, struggling to consolidate data from various sources and drowning in spreadsheets? It’s time to bring order to the chaos and boost your reporting game. In today’s fast-paced business landscape, accurate and timely reporting is crucial for making informed decisions. However, traditional reporting methods can be time-consuming and prone … Read more

Fifty Years of PCS: A Golden Saga of Innovation, Evolution, and Publishing Excellence

As we celebrate our 50th birthday today, we’re posting the final chapter of the fifty years of PCS series, the conclusion to our time travelling journey through the decades, that has provided a whirlwind of nostalgia. From the ground-breaking launch of Press 11 in 1973 to the cutting-edge automated workflows in Knowledge Publish, our evolution mirrors the dynamic shifts in technology and the media landscape.

Automation for Publishers – The Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions

Automation is becoming increasingly common in many different industries. It has been hailed as a major asset to businesses by increasing productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. But automation also brings with it challenges that can be difficult to navigate if you are not prepared. Here we will look at the benefits of automation at work, the potential challenges it presents, and how you can use automation to your advantage as a publisher.

How digital asset management can increase publishers workflows

Digital Asset Management solutions help teams find, store, organise and retrieve all digital assets – from pictures and videos to audio files and documents. You name it – If it’s a digital file, then this type of system can find it. This has proven vital recently as news teams across the country have had to work at lightning speed to fill pages with information about Queen Elizabeth’s life.